deFlorian/Vogelsang Z0 / g Calculations - Input for Run 9 W analysis

Study of Z / Gamma pT distributions and asymmetries for varying pT cuts using the code by deFlorian/Vogelsang. A compilation of plots is available from here!


  • pdf's used are: DSSV08 and MRST02
  • For all distributions shown only the electron pT and rapidity are taken into account. No requirement is imposed on the positron
  • Total Z0 cross-section: 10.6pb which compares very well with the value quoted in the RHICBOS paper of 10pb
  • All individual plots are available below

Asymmetries for Z / Gamma and Z calculations applying W type selections cuts, i.e.: ((|eta1|<1).and.(eta2<-1.2).or.(eta2>2.))).or.((|eta2|<1).and.(eta1<-1.2).or.(eta1>2.))) 


Cross-sections for Z / Gamma and Z calculations applying W type selections cuts, i.e.: ((|eta1|<1).and.(eta2<-1.2).or.(eta2>2.))).or.((|eta2|<1).and.(eta1<-1.2).or.(eta1>2.))) 


Summary Table:

Based on these calculations, it is reasonable to use AL (Z Background) = -0.06