FGT Commissioning Plan - Run 13


Commissioning Plan - FGT Run 13


(1) Documents:
(2) Setup:
Manpower at BNL: Xuan, Bernd, Gerrit, Akio, Ramiro, Maxence
Manpower outside BNL: Gerard, Anselm, Renee
Date: Monday, December 17, 2012 - Friday, February 15, 2013


(A) HV: Bernd, Xuan and Gerard
  •  Tests on HV modules with one broken channel: Friday, December 21, 2012
  •  Fix one broken HV channel on two modules (incl. spare module): Ship both modules during the week of Monday, December 24, 2012
  •  Reinstall and test repaired HV module, roughly during the week of Monday, January 21, 2013 (~ 4 weeks after shipment)
  •  Test spare HV module, roughly during the week of Monday, January 21, 2013 (~ 4 weeks after shipment) 
  •  Modify labeling of slow control HV GUI by January 14, 2013 
  •  Modify ramp profile and test on subset for HV modules 0/1 by January 21, 2013
  •  Full HV test after re-installation during the week of Monday, January 21, 2013
  •  Perform test ramp to nominal operating voltage of 3400V two days after switch to ArCO2, i.e. Wednesday, February 13, 2013
(B) DAQ: Gerard, Bernd and Xuan
     * Complete DAQ system and verify proper working condition: Week of Monday, February 05, 2013
  •  Reinstall modules
  •  Pedestal runs
  •  Production of pedestal / status tables
  •  Pedestal runs with HV on / off     
  •  APV parameter studies on pedestal / pedestal adjustment
     * Deadline for providing complete ARC (I) (2) / ARM (12) Run 13 configuration: Thursday, January 31, 2013

     * Deadline for providing spare ARC (I) (1) / ARM (2) FGT modules: Thursday, February 28, 2013
  •  Maintain GMT functionality
  •  Provide one ARC (I) module and two ARM modules by IST / IUCF groups to FGT group

(C) Gas: Gerrit, Bob
  •  Switch from N2 to ArCO2 (90/10) on Monday, February 11, 2013 provided that current schedule holds, i.e. roughly on week before overnight collisions.
(D) Documentation: Xuan, Bernd
  • Update FGT shift-crew document by January 14, 2013 
  • Update gas system document by Don by January 14, 2013 
  • Update FGT Drupal page layout / documentation by January 14, 2013 
  • Update mapping documentation by January 14, 2013 
(3) Commissioning:

Manpower at BNL: Xuan, Bernd, Akio, Ramiro, Maxence, Anselm, Devika
Manpower outside BNL: Gerard, Anselm, Renee
Date: February 15, 2013 - March 01, 2013

Fixed parameters / settings: ArCO2 (90/10) and nominal HV of 3400V / 7 time bins
(A) Overnight collision tests: February 15, 2013 - February 22, 2013

a) MinBias: 1 week
  •  Test DAQ system: Pedestal run
  •  Ramp HV under stable beam conditions: 3400V at 90/10 (C10)
  •  Timing scan of Run 12 latency / Establish collision signal 
  •  Other APV parameter scans
  •  Re-adjustment of pedestal if necessary
  •  HV scan around 3400V
  •  Verify Quadrant mapping
  •  Verify APV mapping
  •  Verify Strip mapping
b) EHT: 1/2 week
  •  HV scan
  •  Correlation to EEMC
(B)  Ramp-up prior to physics mode running: February 22, 2013 - March 02, 2013
  •  Continue with above list if not finished
  •  Update FGT specific tasks for shift crew vs. RHIC operation
  •  Exercise FGT tasks together with shift crew
Goal: Hand FGT tasks to shift crew with beginning of physics mode running

OFFLINE CREW: Anselm et al.
(4) Data taking:
Data: March 01, 2012 - June 30, 2012

On-call expert: Xuan, Bernd (Permanent on LI during Run 13)
Gas: Gerrit
DAQ: Gerard
Slowcontrol: Paul

(A) QA: Devika (Graduate student at Temple Univ.)

     * Source: J-Plots / Will's plots / elog
     * Record run-time info. / QA information in pre-defined sheets
     * Track of live APV chips / channels vs. time
     * Track of online stability, e.g pedestal stability / status
     * Provide weekly status reports 

(B) OFFLINE / Data processing: Anselm et al., in particular Akio

     * Production of mudst's file from DAQ files: Devika
     * Analysis on stability of system and various characteristic FGT quantities with tracking incl. correlation to TPC / EEMC  with regular status updates
(C) Trigger:
     * Trigger: MinBias and EHT
     * L2: L2W 
     * Trigger monitoring related to W program: L0 / L2
(D) Monitoring of other spin related quantities:
     * Spin monitoring: Daniel (Graduate student at Temple Univ.), TBD in SPIN PWG
(E) Reporting:
     * Weekly on-call expert attends every 10:00AM meeting and provides if necessary updates / Attend 02:30PM CAD scheduling meetings
     * Weekly on-call expert provides brief weekly reports in FGT meeting
     * QA: Weekly reports in FGT meeting by Devika