FGT Ramping Results

HV was ramped successfully for all 14 quarter sections. Here are the details:

  • Mapping
  • HV ramping: Manual ramping 1000V and 2000V at 60V/s and then slowly to 3000V and 3600V at 10V/s
  • Leave HV at 3600V for about 10min.
  • Beam conditions: Single beam (24GeV, low current at the level of 1.6-1.7 10^11, Injection mode Blue beam)
  • Results: No problem with any ramp / Current consistent with overall resistivity of voltage divider
    • 6B: OK (Current: 343muA)
    • 6A: OK (Current: 343muA)
    • 5B: OK (Current: 344muA)
    • 5A: OK (Current: 344muA)
    • 4B: OK (Current: 343muA) 
    • 4A: OK (Current: 343muA)
    • 3B: OK (Current: 346muA)
    • 3A: OK (Current: 346muA)
    • 2B: OK (Current: 343muA) 
    • 2A: OK (Current: 343muA) 
    • 1D: OK (Current: 343muA) 
    • 1C: OK (Current: 343muA) 
    • 1B: OK (Current: 346muA) 
    • 1A: OK (Current: 343muA) 

The RHIC status displays are shown below along with a screenshot of the HV GUI!

A) RHIC Broadcast:


B) RHIC Broadcast: