FGT shutdown work / Summer 2013

FGT shtudown work

 The FGT shutdown work assumes that STAR rolls out and that the WSC is extracted. We are not making any assumptions on the availability of the clean room in the WAH. However, we do need an area either in the WAH or elsewhere at BNL to have access to the WSC to first extract and later insert all disks back into the WSC.

--> BNL:

A) Remove HV, signal and gas connections prior to 
rolling out STAR 

- Time: ~1 day
- Manpower: Xuan and Bernd plus TU students

B) Mounting of WSC in either STAR WAH or other lab area at BNL to extract disks on
extension rails and removal of disks 

- Time: ~ 3 days
- Manpower: Jason (*), Xuan, Bernd plus TU students

C) Storage of WSC plus other service items

- Time: ~ 1 day
- STAR OPS group

D) Insertion of disks back into WSC:

- Time: ~ 3 days
- Jason (*), Xuan, Bernd plus TU students

--> Temple University:

A) Transportation of disks to Temple University GEM lab:

- Time: ~2 days
- Manpower: TU group

B) Tests and repair: 

- Test FEE (pedestal) performance and replace APV modules as needed
- Test leakage current and document
- Test gas performance and fix problems as needed
- Fix gas flow for two blocked gas lines on quarter sections on disk 4
- Replace one quarter section on disk 6
- 55Fe sources tests / Cosmic-ray tests for each quarter section

- Time: ~4 weeks
- Manpower: TU group and Ben 

C) Transportation of disks back to BNL and storage:

- Time: ~2 days
- Manpower: TU group

(*) Labor requests other than STAR OPS: Ben Buck (MIT Bates) and Jason Besuille (MIT Bates) / ~ 1 week each