Paper discussion for quarkonia in isobar collisions

# Minutes - Oct 10 2023

## Present:
- Te-Chuan Huang, Rongrong Ma, Kaifeng Shen, Zebo Tang, Yan Wang, Qian Yang,  Shuai Yang, Ziyue Zhang
## Agenda:
- J/psi R_AA: Yan Wang [slides]
- Need to resolve the inconsistency between Yan's and Ziyue's results. They will apply the same bad runs and selection cuts to see how the results will look like.
- For the R_AA plots, we only need to compare with 200 GeV restuls for the system size comparison.
- Yan did a new PID cut optimization after QM and improved the inclusive J/psi signal significance (probably will be used for all analyses)
- J/psi v2: Qian Yang [slides]
- Qian is considering to change the centrality binnings.
- After the discrepancy resolved and the bad runs and selection cuts settle down, Qian will apply new cuts to his analysis (~3 months to rerun all the codes). 
- Status of v2 analysis in HT triggers is uncertain. If NCKU group can not make it, we can publish only MB result because the physics conclusions are basically the same.
- Model comparison is not urgent now, but we should consider it for all three analysis
- Start writing the analysis note (~1 month)
- Upsilon: Shuai Yang [slides]
- Gaohan graduated and a new student will pickup the study
- Shuai and his student will broaden the vz cut to increase the statistics (may need ~3 months).
- Anlysis procedure is basically the same as Au+Au 200 GeV study, so analysis note can be ready very soon.
## General discussions:
- The bad run list we used is from CME analysis. They may not consider ToF and BEMC performance, so it's better to do further bad run rejection for ToF and BEMC. Ziyue volunteer to do it.
- Yan and Kaifeng will share their function for nsigma_e re-calibration so we can apply exactly same cut on nsigma_e
- Yan applied E0/p cut instead of E/p. He mentioned in his previous study that E0 has better resolution then E. Yan will check and confirm it.
- We will try to merge the analysis notes from all the study. There will be some commen section for selection cuts and each analysis will have its own section. Rongrong has created Overleaf for this. Selection cuts are listed.
## Acion items:
- A new bad run list consider ToF and BEMC
- Yan and Ziyue will apply consistent selection cuts and compare the results (Te-Chuan will also do it)
- Some issue with Yan's RCF accont and Ziyue need to arrange his disk space, so it will take some time.
- No plan on the next meeting yet but we have a Skype group for quick discussion. We can call another meeting to discuss details if necessary.

## Recording
- On RCF: /star/u/tchuang/pwg/Run18/PaperDiscussRecord/20231010