FCS LED controller user manual *DEPRICATED

Software Control User Interface Rev 3

Use new application stored on LED box controller: ./led_sok3
Refer to updated software control manual from Jan/2022


Revisions: 1-3:

1- corrections/ typos
2- uploaded set_bias2 to ECAL box
3 - 11/16/2021 read / write mode option (section 1.0)
4 - 11/22/2021: added section 4: remote socket client connection

          The output signals are arranged in a matrix of 5x rows and 10x columns.


For ECAL: Login to: ssh led@fcs-led1.starp.bnl.gov “”

For HCAL: Login to: ssh led@fcs-led2.starp.bnl.gov “”
user: led
pass: see PDF for PW

Working Directory -> cd\ documents


The python script “led_control.py” sets which channels are active.

Columns and rows are arranged as binary value

Command line options:

-m => set mode: => 0 = read, 1 = write

-r => DEC 0 to 31

-c => DEC 0 to 1023

 31 = all rows on
 1023 = all columns on

 row 1 = low bit
 col 1 = low bit

   For example: To set all LED’s in column # 3 active (ch 11 – 15) type:

        python3 led_control.py -m 1 -r 31 -c 4

   For example: To turn on column 1 and column 2 all rows (ch 1 – ch 10) type:

        python3 led_control.py -m 1 -r 31 -c 3

   Note: Rows = 25 Columns = 210

    Read only => python3 led_control.py -m 0

 -> Response

 read mode : 0

 Reading output state for rows and columns, mode == 0

 GPIO state of row pins:  011111
 GPIO state of col pins:  1111111111


II. Led Voltage Bias: 12 Bit DAC: see note for ./set_bias2 updated application 02/17/2021


If running ./set_bias => old version

Voltage bias level has 2x groups of channels:

Ch’s 1 - 25 are BIAS 1 -> ID 96

Ch’s 26 - 50 are BIAS 2 -> ID 97

Type in:> “./ set_bias”

Then enter the ID (96 or 97) and DAC voltage in decimal

II.1 DAC value to voltage scaling:

The full-scale output is (30V / 4095) -> 7.3mv resolution

Example: To set a bias of 15V-> DAC value = 2048

02/17/2021: Updated bias setting -> ./set_bias2

 To run set_bias2 just need to run application and enter the decimal bias value -> ./set_bias2 ####

III. Test Pulse


The control pulse is automatically selected from either the back LEMO input labeled “Trigger 2” or from an internal generated pulse from the SBC.

External Pulse Parameters:

-TTL Level 2.5V – 5V

-Pulse width at-least ~100ns

-Frequency 0 to 10kHz

Note: LED Controller Box:  “fcs-led1.starp.bnl.gov” repeats the TCD trigger pulse to LED Controller Box “fcs-led2.starp.bnl.gov”


III.1 Setting Internal Pulse

Type:> python3 pulse_out.py


When prompted enter the pulse width in ms. & frequency in hertz:

Valid input is .1 to 999ms and 0 to 10000 Hz

Next enter the number of pulses to send:


IV Listening sockets on:


led@fcs-led1.starp.bnl.gov 4001



led@fcs-led2.starp.bnl.gov 4001



From the client, i.e. telnet session: “r” => read


A read displays the status and returns:
row/ column selection, LED voltage amplitude and self pulsing state.


The client just sends an “r” =>


Server sends back=>


row Bits 63 !

column Bits 1023 !

pulser freq. 0 !

DAC Value 2047 !

LED Voltage 15.00 !

DAC2 Value 2047 !

LED2 Voltage 15.00 !




Write command => w  r#  c#  LED_voltage #


Example: set all rows/ columns on, with an LED voltage of 15.50 volts

=> w  63  1023  15.00

Voltage amplitude => increments of 1/100 of a volt


  1. SELF PULSER MODE => p frequency_in_Hertz

Example, set self-pulsing mode to 1000 Hz => p 1000

                Note: setting frequency “p 0” tuns off self-pulsing mode