Entry 3
Dr. Fatemi somehow "grep'd" all of the run numbers that I should have out of TotalFileList and realized, that even though my comparer said there were no missed files, I was missing about 70 of them. After debugging the comparer, I now realize that the second while loop was searching for the wrong pattern. The regular expression was then fixed, and the missed files were listed in a .txt file and run over with getAllRuns_CaughtByComparer.pl and findBXoffDynamic.C . I do not know why all of these files were missed, the files were produced without a problem, and the files themselves look normal.
Attached below are the jpeg images of the beam crossing histogram files, as produced by OpenReadPrintDynamic.C along with what it prints out (although this should contain the same information that summary.pass8a.dat contains, the main difference being that some of the are "flagged" with notes). Also, for aesthetic reasons the plots use a simple counter for the x axis, instead of using run numbers (which are themselves, just another arbitray counter themselves). To match the counter numbers with the run numbers, check the output file.
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