BNL ME report contribution
Updated on Tue, 2019-09-10 02:07. Originally created by veprbl on 2019-09-10 02:05.
The results have just been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Zilong Chang is currently working on the determination of the cross section of jet production at 510 GeV, which benefits from == cross section -> inclusive cross setion newly developed techniques to understand the underlying event contributions. == Insert: == Dmitry Kalinkin is also working on measurement of inclusive cross section of jet production at 200 GeV. The impact of this measurement on global analyses so far is systematics limited. == The impact of both these measurements Efforts to reduce the systematic uncertainties include the hadronic response in the barrel EMC, tracking efficiencies and overall luminosity uncertainties. == Insert: == Extensive comparisons of tracking in data and simulation == done by Dmitry Kalinkin showed that uncertainty on tracking == efficiency can be reduced from previously used 4% to values on the == order of a single percent. This will result in a proportional == reduction of the related uncertainty for the jet cross sections == measurements and several other measurements at STAR. Eventually, improved calibration methods that are currently studied in 2015/2017 data will significantly impact systematic uncertainties of the jet cross sections. Final results are going to be unfolded at both 200 and 510 GeV (Dmitry Kalinkin, Zilong Chang). == Remove this sentence. Cross section is much more than just unfolding. It's also lot's of QA, corrections for UE and figuring out uncertainties. Zilong Chang has also worked in collaboration with experts from the collider-accelerator department on a refined analysis to determine the absolute luminosity from the Vernier scans with reduced systematics.
Figure caption:
Tracking efficiency for simulated tracks with $p_T = 0.3\text{ GeV}$ that were embedded into the real data and a Monte Carlo simulation. Plot on the left shows result for 200 GeV and plot on the right shows result for 510 GeV. A good agreement between the data and the simulation suggests that the systematic uncertainty is low.»
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