Tracking efficiency study


  • Plot on slide 9 of tracking_efficiency.pdf had an incorrect normalization (vertex, phi, pt cuts were not applied to the denominator). This was fixed in tracking_efficiency_v2.pdf, the new probability to miss a hit is higher.
  • I was missing some cuts on 4 and 7% which lead to anomaly in the highest bin. This was fixed and discussed in jet_meeting_2018_05_16_fixed.pdf
  • When I say SL13b, I actually mean SL13b_embed
  • On slide 6 of elke_meeting_2018_10_19.pdf, where I show impact of primary track cuts, the track pt cut had also requirement for charge > 0 (due to a bug), just the pt cut is twice effective (~90% acceptance)
  • Tracking efficiency vs rapidity plot on slide 4 of iu_local_meeting_2019_02_04.pdf was not consistent with table on slide 3 because it didn't include the charged jet requirement. The updated version is iu_local_meeting_2019_02_04_fixed.pdf has the plot with charged jet requirement imposed.
  • Top right panels of iu_local_meeting_2019_02_25.pdf had label "data (all cuts but vertex rank)", but they were lacking "Extra selection cuts". There was also wrong description of the last point cut. Both issues were fixed in iu_local_meeting_2019_02_25_fixed.pdf.
  • I was showing slide "Efficiency definition" on my 2018 Analysis Meeting slides and on jetcorr_joint_meeting_2019_02_28.pdf. The formula for efficiency on that slide was really vague and was hard to interpret even for me. I've tried to provide a better slide in jetcorr_joint_meeting_2019_02_28_fixed.pdf.
  • An erroneous pp510 embedding was produced (used pp200 parameters), this is shown in pthat_and_vpdmb_tune.pdf, yield_vs_dca.pdf and yield_vs_dca_fixed.pdf. The yield_vs_dca_fixed_fixed.pdf provides revised version using the corrected embedding.
  • Slides 12 and 13 of jet_meeting_2019_05_22.pdf had displayed values that were rounded to the tenth of a percent (uncertainty was rounded up to the same precision), this is fixed in jet_meeting_2019_05_22_fixed.pdf.
  • I was referring to the $DCA_T$ variable as transverse DCA, however the value that the jet trees implement a cut is the three dimensional |DCA| = sqrt(DCA_x^2 + DCA_y^2 + DCA_z^2). The correct values for |DCA| were presented, it's just that they were misnamed as DCA_T or "transverse DCA". This mistake was only realized by me in January 2020.
