Cosmic FF runs after end of beam ops

 The TPC group had requested that a FF cosmic runs was done after end of beam op. As the RHIC beam ops was stopped on  Aug 2 the plan was put into place to execute this this

Yuri requested the following

I have cosmics for day 213

From 10.265709 M triggers I got 1.070162 M track pairs, from 5e4 – 1e5 tracks per sector.

I would say that the trigger efficiency is 10%.

For RFF we have ~300 M triggers.

I would say that for FF we need ~30 M trigger,

The cosmic FF runs were very successful. Some runs were lost due to west trim coil trips
- once unnoticed for several hours, and one during night with slower response for help.
In all we took good data for 34 hours since Friday with
16.88 M cosmic1-cosmic3 triggers and 50.7 M cosmic wide triggers (taht include of the the first sets of triggers. This is about 75% more events that Yuri requested for this data sets.

Summary information on runs and accounting is in the excel file attached.