NMR probe's

 Alexei provided pictures and information about the NMR probe.
I think we may have to include this in the genat description (beampie?)
as it does not seem insignificant.

Alexei's word document with pictures is attached.

Yuri send a msg on current filed at the NBM positions

X = {-6, 7, -130};               


B = {2.17315e-05, -2.53534e-05, -4.98625}; |B| = 4.98625 [kG]

NMR = 0.4988631 [T]

NMR/B = 0.4988631/4.98625*10 = 1.00047751316119338 => 0.5 %%

Just remind that our correction from St_starMagAvgC  


  Double_t      ScaleFactor(Int_t i = 0){return current()/(4500/(9.98071899596718826e-01));} // 12/03/20 scale Run 2020 11p5GeV K_s^0 (pcmax(0.49827)/pcmax(0.497611)) to PDG value


          = -1.93182515614376271e-03 = -2 %%

questions (2/3/2025)

-I assume is is place along the z-directions? and perpendicular to the radius it is sitting at?
-your document says 2 probes. There is only a position for one probe.
-when was it installed?