FST purple cable length

Final summary

The new plot (first) has the proper range of cable:
Final proposal is to divide into two groups

47-58"  i.e. 9 cables. These should be 5.5" longer. Uncertainty is probably around one
Two different measures by Felix gives #1 from 57.5 or 58.5. So this group can be covered by
length 64".

The longest cable was originally 73.5" , but was measured to have an excess length of 6.5" from measurements from t-board to
end of cable tray. Suggest to take credit for 3" so that length should be
73.5"-3"+5.5" == 76.0", and this should cover the other group of 9

have two cables lengths  76" and 64", and we should have equal amount of each
For installation need 18 cables in each group. 


realized and mentioned a number of times that the cable route from FST to PPB will have different length

I  requested the following from Felix and Rahul

Would it be possible for you to pull out the length of the cables so we  can see what range
is needed for the final production cables. It comes down to how much  slacks can be allowed
for final installation an it would be good just to have a few different  cable lengths.

Felix replied to me on Feb 25 and have all the relevant info in the attached figure.

The information was read and summarized in the plot below. Units are inches. I think we can get away maybe with 3 different lengths
like 58, 68 and 74. Then one would have to have slack between 1 inch and 7 for each group.

update 3/1  Felix includes ~2inches of slack for the lengths

April 14:

I measured the weight of the 8' cables that Mike has made.
It weighs 380 g. The mean length of cables are 60" so scaled weight is ~ 380*61/96 ~ 240g
A dummy module w/o si sensors is 180g