QM19 abstract from LFUPC


Presenter Type Title Abstract
Daniel Talk Measurements of the γγ → e+e process and its angular correlations in UPC and peripheral Au+Au collisions with 3 the STAR Detector drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/abstract_v2_4.pdf
 TBD  Talk  Measurements of dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27, 54 and 200 GeV with the STAR experiment  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/Dielectron_Production_at_27_GeV_Au_Au_Collisions%20_v2.pdf
 Dingwei  Talk  Light Nuclei (d, t) Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=7.7-200 GeV from the STAR experiment  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/QM2019_abstract_v2.pdf
 TBD  Talk  Strangeness production in √sNN = 54.4, 27 GeV and fixed-target program at STAR  www.star.bnl.gov/protected/lfsupc/usman87/QM2019/Usman_qm_merged_19_v4.pdf
 Zhen  Poster  Low-pT µ+µ pair production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200GeV at STAR  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/ZhenLiu_QM2019_v1.2.pdf
 Hui  Poster  Light Nuclei (d, t) Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 27 and 54.4 GeV from the STAR experiment  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/QM2019_abstract_poster_0_0.pdf
 Usman  Poster  Identified and strange particle distributions from STAR fixed-target program  www.star.bnl.gov/protected/lfsupc/usman87/QM2019/Usman_qm19_v2.pdf
 Yue  Poster  Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 and 54.4 GeV at STAR  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/yhleung2_QM19_abstract_v0.pdf
 Florian  Poster  Measurement of dielectron spectra in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV utilizing the Heavy Flavor Tracker in the STAR experiment  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/abstract_QM19_v2.pdf
 Zaochen  Poster  Dielectron Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV with the STAR Experiment  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/Dielectron_Production_at_27_GeV_Au_Au_Collisions%20_v2.pdf
 Wang, Zhen  Poster  Dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 54 GeV at STAR  drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/ZhenWang_QM2019_abstract_v2.pdf