Jan 17

(Vacation day yesterday, January 16)

looked at the "out-of-date" SKM clients - deleted one, powered on one, explained a couple more.  Ottomh, the most worrisome one left is eemc-testdaq, though not just because of the SKM client.  eemc-testdaq is a laptop used by Will Jacobs, and it had been turned off for many months, but has been recently turned back on.  It has an obosolete RHEL 4 (?!) installation, so needs to be upgraded somehow.

worked with Mike on moving L4 machines from the DA rack row to the new rack.  Got two moved over before quitting to prep for later meetings.  Moving is a tad tedious because the rail mounting is less than ideal - we have to perform some rail part transplants to get the rail front ends mounted in the square-hole rack.  Jeff mentioned that he wouldn't need any of them powered up until Monday (at the time, I don't think either of us realized Monday is a holiday).  Discussed with Jeff the networking for these L4 machines - one hopefully minor complication - since a NEW network is being created, we should decide on a new color for the cabling...  Not many "popular" or common colors left, since we already have yellow, green, black, blue and orange, and are trying to avoid gray and red for network cables (gray chosen for "serial" cables and other non-ethernet uses, red generally reserved for cross-over network cables or HV cables - not uniformly done of course)

Run prep and user support meetings in the afternoon

Removed the "onlrepo" NAS box from the BCF (still should disable the second NICs on db02, db04 and db05).  This unit has copies of prior run databases and was previously attached to dbbak before its demise.  Also found that the disk in slot four needs replacement.

Discovered the printer room (510/515 hallway) combo pad doesn't work

Found another ream of paper with gobs of symbols spit out from one of the printers - no sign of the source, but would like to hit the printers with a Nessus scan individually and see if that might trigger this sort of thing.