W production: simple kinematic effects of initial state parton momentum

These are a few simple ideas, following up on Jamie's comment about the expected rapidity distribution pL for produced W's (where pL refers to longitudinal momentum, not polarization).  Besides some kinematic smearing due to partonic motion within the protons, similar to the pT one might expect for the W's created, there is also a real pL distribution due to the differing x's of the interacting partons.  For W production at the Tevatron, one might expect the fusing q and qbar to have similar Bjorken-x distributions; but in a pp collision, these would usually be very asymmetric.  Some simple kinematics can help our intuition (at least for me), so I just calculated some relevant quantities for a given value of xquark:

In Jan's toy model, it was assumed that the W was created (on average) at rest along the z axis. Physically, this would be the case when the quark and anti-quark each carry in 40 GeV/c of momentum, or x1 = x2 = 0.16 for a 250 GeV proton beam. A more typical event might involve a quark with x1 = 0.32 hitting an anti-quark of x2 = 0.08, which yields a W with 60 GeV/c of longitudinal momentum, and a total energy of 100 GeV. Events of this sort would yield electrons (in the lab frame) of varying total energy depending on theta (or eta), see below. Their pT distribution would be skewed in angle, but still peak right at 40 GeV.  As an example: for a lepton emitted at 90 deg in the W rest frame,we can make the plot below.

We can also compare the electron energy and transverse momentum as a function of lab angle for beta=0 (W at rest, x1 = 0.16) and the case discussed above for beta = 0.60 (W has 60 GeV momentum, x1 = 0.32):

For W+ production, one could take current PDF's for u(x) and dbar(x) and fold them together to get a better sense of what kinematics we are actually sampling. Presumably we can use RHICBOS to do all of this for us.