BSMD Calibration: More on the M Shape

Figure 1: Eta distribution of pp500 tracks in momentum bins.  Each new color means that a cut has been added: red is no cuts, green adds tower zero-suppression, yellow adds the dE/dx cut, purple adds the E/p cut, and black adds BSMD cuts.


Figure 2: Ratio of pp500 track eta distribution to pp200 track eta distribution (both distributions scaled to have integral of 1).  Same color scheme as above.


Figure 3: Ratios in different p bins for the no-cuts and all-cuts distributions superimposed.  Solid line is the lowest p bin, dashed the next highest, then dotted, then dotted and dashed.


Figure 4: Track eta distributions by charge for pp200.  Red is for eta calculated from the BSMDE and black for eta calculated for the BSMDP.  Dashed lines are positive charge and dotted lines are negative charge.