Run 16 EMC dAu timing scans

First analysis of d+Au timing scans taken
owl shift 11 May 2016 ... e.g., run #17132019

BTOW: the plots for crates 0x01-f and 0x10-e are appended below.

      0x01-f average: 121.8
      0x10-e average: 121.4

BTOW average: ~ 122 ns -- essentially same phase setting as for AuAu

      crates 5&6 seem ok in scan (#2 all entries at max; 3&4 all zero)

ETOW average ~ 105 ns (taken in normal way ;roughly 59% of fwhm envelope)
                                           -- also essentially same as for AuAu
Hence: don't see any significant timing shift for EMCs: leave TCD values as is
unless there are further tweaks/scans.