run 22 pp 500 EMC timing

Here is the run 22 pp "500 GeV" EMC timing scan 
information and intitial results:
[note: see .... for run 17 results/instructions]

from calscan runs
Tuesday,14 348
 22348004, Physics -- TCD: 40-160 w/ 5 ns step
 22348005, Physics -- TCD: 70-160 w/ 2 ns step
Wednesday,15 349
 22349004, Physics -- TCD: 40-110 w/ 2 ns step
(Wed. scan specifically for ESMD whose HV was off on Tues.)

Summary of TCD settings;

              run17    run 22
BTOW       120       124
ETOW       103       107
ESMD          62        70

(note: these have been implemented/checked by Jeff; not  sure how
someone else can access/check in e.g., trig details as in the past).

BTOW details:

a) crate-by-crate (BTOW_timing_cbyc_2022.pdf); total (BTOW_calscan_2022.pdf)
   from Oleg Tsai

b) crate-by-crate (22348005_btow_scan_0x01-f.png; 22348005_btow_scan_0x10-e.png)
   from wwj --- these are from the more standard fitting procedure of the past manyyears)

   0x01-f : average = 125 ns
   0x10-e: average = 124 ns
   (see plots for individual crate TCD best values)

ETOW details:

       crate-by-crate ( 22348005_etow_scan_run22.png -- omit noisy crate #4) 

        best TCD value = 107 (106.6) ns [59% of 40-50% max to catch all indiv. chns]

ESMD details:
        8 crate-by-crate files (6 crates in each) are ;
        22349004_esmd_run22_64-69.png to 22349004_esmd_run22_106-111.png
         best TCD value = 70 ns [-13 ns from average plateau edge to catch all indiv. chns]
                                                                                                   -- wwj