Detector ADC distribution studies 3

  I checked the raw ADC distribution strip by strip for the ESMD. The ADC distribution of strips may related with the strip lengths. So first I will show the strip lenghes for each strip.

  (1) Fig1, the U pannel strips.

    (2) Fig2, V pannel strip length.

     (3) Raw ADC distribution for each strips.

    I have put the ADC distribution for each strip in root files. And for 10 pp run which I used before. There are several cases need to be paid attention. The strips are marked from 0, for several sectors the maximum strip numbers are 288 while for others are 283.

       (a) Fig3, the low statistics strip.


       (b) Fig 4, strip which has "no pedestal".







   I suspect this may due to the problems with data readout system, because these 6 strips are continuous, and the strip 110 shows pedestal which similar statistics. But this need to be checked.

    Fig 5, the adjacent strip ADC distribution.