The ESMD pedestal status check

  With one run in pp run08 data, I check the strip pedestal value VS the mudst file time. The run number is 9057004, the file list is here.

  I selected several strips to check the pedestal value VS the file index. The first file in the file list is marked with 1 and so on.

  Fig1, sector 2 strip 1.

     Fig2, sector 2 strip 11.

    Fig3, sector 2 strip 21.

    Fig4, sector 2 strip 31.

   Fig5, sec 3 strip 1.

    Fig6, sector 3 strip 11.

   Fig7, sector 3 strip 21.

     Fig8, sector 3 strip 31.

  The possible reason of the differences between different files maybe the method of get the pedestal value, I selected the last two files to check the raw ADC distribution of the U pannel sector 2 strip 2.

    Fig9, the second last file.

    Fig 10, the last file.