ESMD number of transition strips run dependence studies

       Using the 283 runs in run08 pp data, I studied when one strip of ESMD has pedestal transition the number of stirps in the same sector has transition at the same time. The run list is here, the character before comma stands for the run index and the character after comma stands for the run number.

      The strip in each sector is marked from 0 to 287 (or 282) and the sector is marked from 0 to 11 both for U pannel and V pannel.

       The following shows the number of strips which has transitions at the same time versus the run index. But I want to mention: the transition has strip dependence, so the plots are related with a certain strip. When the strip has pedestal transition ( the differences between 2 neighbor runs is larger than 5 ADC values), I count the number of the other strips in the same sector which has pedestal transitions at the same time.

       Fig1, U panel sector 0 strip1.

       Fig2, U panel sector 1 strip 1.

       Fig3, U panel sector 2 strip 1.

       Fig4, U panel sector 3 strip 1.
Fig5, U panel sector 4 strip 1. 

       Fig6, U panel sector 5 strip 1.

       Fig7, U panel sector 6 strip 1.

       Fig8, U panel sector 7 strip 1.
Fig9, U panel sector 8 strip 1.

       Fig10, U panel sector 9 strip 1.

       Fig11, U panel sector 10 strip 1.

       Fig12, U panel sector 11 strip 1.