Minimum Bias data/simulation EMC cluster invariant mass

     With 70MeV threshold, I use run08 pp minimum bias data (run list in attachment 1) and pp MB sample for run08 (EEMC uncorrected geometry) to reconstruct #pi^{0} in BEMC di-cluster and EEMC single cluster (di-cluster).

     For BEMC, there is energy ratio of leading tower over cluster larger than 0.9 and Zrr<0.7 cuts. In addition to this, the pt of di-cluster should between 1.25GeV/c and 2.5 GeV/c.

     Fig1, BEMC di-cluster Mass.


     For EEMC, there is energy ratio of leading tower over cluster larger than 0.9 and Zrr<0.7 cuts. In addition to this, the pt of di-cluster should between 1.25GeV/c and 2.5 GeV/c. But the statistics for EEMC di-cluster satisfying these cuts are low.

     Fig 2, EEMC di-cluster Mass.


     So for EEMC, I look into single cluster to find possible #pi^{0} candidates. With the pt of single cluster should between 1.25GeV/c and 2.5 GeV/c. Require the single cluster has at least two towers, then assuming the leading two towers as photons decay from same #pi^{0}. Then the energy ratio of leading two towers over cluster between 0.5 to 0.85 to reduce the background, and Zrr between the leading two towers less than 0.65.

     Fig3, EEMC single cluster Mass.