FMS triggered data simulaton comparation (latest simulation sample)

Comparation between FMS triggered data and simulation in p+p

(1) FMS Selections

   1, in data, using FMS triggered data, selec at least one reconstructed pi0 in the FMS with pt > 2.0GeV/c.

   2, in simulation, applying FMS acceptance cuts for pi0 decayed photons, and requiring the pi0 with pt > 2.0GeV/c.

(2) BBC requirement

   East BBC charge sum non-zero and west BBC charge sum non-zero.

(3) Results

     Using STAR library SL11b, and the tower threshold 250MeV.

    1, EEMC

        Figure1, EEMC tower multiplicity shown in the left and tower energy (normalized by events) shown in the right above 250MeV.

      Figure2, EEMC zvertex distribution (left) and the single cluster energy (right).


      Figure3, BEMC tower multiplicity shown in the left and tower energy (normalized by events) shown in the right above 250MeV.

    Figure4, BEMC zvertex distribution (left) and the single cluster energy (right).


    The simulation energy is larger than the data energy in BEMC and EEMC.