FMS trigger simulation comparison for cluster mass (dAu)

Comparation between FMS triggered data and simulation in d+Au

(1) FMS Selections

   1, in data, using FMS triggered data, selec at least one reconstructed pi0 in the FMS with pt > 2.0GeV/c.

   2, in simulation, applying FMS acceptance cuts for pi0 decayed photons, and requiring the pi0 with pt > 2.0GeV/c.

(2) BBC requirement

   In latest simulation, requring east BBC charge sum non-zero and west BBC charge sum non-zero. In old simulation, there is no bbc information.

(3) Results

   1, BEMC


       Figure1, BEMC cluster pair invariant masses (left) and invariant masses between [0.05GeV/c^{2}, 0.2GeV/c^{2}] are fit with Gaussian functions are shown in the right plot.


       Figure2, BEMC jet-like cluster invariant masses wih mean of the invariant masses shown in the plot.

    2, EEMC


       Figure3, EEMC cluster pair invariant masses wih mean of the invariant masses shown in the plot.


       Figure4, EEMC jet-like cluster invariant masses wih mean of the invariant masses shown in the plot.

(4) Conclusions

     The masses in the old simulation are in consistent with that in the latest simulation.