FGT daq file

From Steve:

Here's one method, perhaps there are better ways.  You will also need the
filename, which you can get via

get_file_list.pl -cond "filename~daq,runnumber=13144118,storage=hpss" -keys "path,filename"

Then do

mkdir -p /star/data03/daq/2012/144/13144118/

hpss_user.pl /home/starsink/raw/daq/2012/144/13144118/st_physics_13144118_raw_1020001.daq /star/data03/daq/2012/144/13144118/st_physics_13144118_raw_1020001.daq

and use similar hpss_user.pl calls for the other files.  A few may be
enough for the tests you want.

From Jerome:

       Yes, restoring files from HPSS would go through using the
data carousel. For more than one file, create a file.lis (as
and example) containing pairs fo fileInHPSS fileonDisk like
(one line example for your case)


and use
% hpss_user.pl -f file.lis

and that's it. Accounting interface is at
http://www.star.bnl.gov/devcgi/display_accnt.cgi where you can
see what is happening. Help is at

        Hope all will be clear ...  many of those questions I
am sure can be answered by many if you send an EMail to starsofi
(or even the fgt Hypernews lists).