Notes for analysis

Following Matt's email as the following,
You can find my code for the 2009 200 GeV data in /star/u/mattheww/jets/dijets/2009/200 and /star/u/mattheww/jets/dijets/2009/200/jettrees. It uses a different jet tree format than the regular jet trees use, so you will need the StRoot in both of those directories. My code will not work with the other jet tree format, but most of the information you need will probably be present in those formats. If the jet trees have not been produced, than you can make them in the format I used, with code in these directories. The code framework we have written is already in the official StRoot and is much more powerful than what is done in the standard jet trees, but I'm not sure how it has been maintained.

runData_part2009.C: make precursors for jettrees for data, input is MuDst files
runGeant_part2009.C: same but for simulation after detector simulation
runMC_part2009.C: same but at particle level

/star/u/mattheww/jets/dijets/2009/200/jettrees: make jettrees for data and simu, input is files made from above macros make particle jettrees calculates the vertex corrections, input is jet trees analyze jettrees for data analyze jettrees for simulation combine data analysis histograms (needed to account for polarization and relative luminosity properly), input is output from combine simulation histograms (handles cross sections) does the analysis (ie unfolding and corrections), input is output from and makes a plot, but will probably be helpful to understand the output of

There are also a bunch of scripts that make plots, create jobs, create run lists, etc. in those two directories. Most scripts and macros should produce the correct 2009 results when run without any arguments (or a subset of the correct results). Probably some of the code in will be hard to understand, but should make more sense if you look at my thesis, where all the equations are explained.

There are general two type of directories, one is mentioned as macro diretory (Mac dir), the other is data file archive directory (Dat dir). Copy Matt's codes accordingly, 200/ and 200/jettrees/ in you working directory. There are two different StRoot/ directories contains the main analysis codes. 200/ and 200/jettrees/ are Mac dir. In additional to these, create Dat dir in a large space allocation (e.g. /star/data01). For data analysis, make the following directories,

*/jets/dijets/2009/200_part_data contains the precursors for jet trees, */jets/dijets/2009/200_jet_dat contains jet trees, and
*/jets/dijets/2009/200_dijets contains the first look of di-jets analysis before any corrections, comparisons with MC etc.

Compile codes, (I use >> as the start mark of a command)
(1) Go to 200/ and 200/jettrees, use
       >> stardev
       >> cons
There should be no error complaining, and finally get a complied directory .sl53_gcc432/.

(I) For data process,
(1) First go to Mac dir 200/, generate runlists according to the goodrun.list considering polarization, relativistic luminotisy analysis and other QA work.
(2) Generate data process runlists with makeRunLists*, modify the input path and output path accordingly.
Modify the input path and output path for createDataPartSubmit. Use
>> createDataPartSubmit
    to generate and submitDatapart.condor in 200/submit.
(4) Go to 200/submit, use the following command,
     >> condor_submit 
(5) Check whether there are output files in
(6) Second go to
Mac dir 200/jettrees/, modify the input path and output path for createDataJetSubmit. Use
      to gene
rate submitDatajet.condor, and processDatajet.csh.
(7) Go to 200/jettrees/submit/, use
condor_submit submitDatajet.condor
(8) check whether there are output files in
(9) Go to
200/jettrees/, use
      >> createDijetSubmit
      to generate processDijet.csh and submitDijet.condor in
(10) Go to
condor_submit submitDijet.condor
(11) checke whether there are output files in
(12) Following this, we will first see raw hisgrams of di-jets parameters in the output files in
*/jets/dijets/2009/200_dijets. Then we need first do z vertex corrections comparing data with simulation. Please see details in section (II).

(II) For simulation,
Matt generated PYTHIA+GEANT3 simulation, see the requirements in chapter 4 of his thesis. These files were not existed in /star local disks. Downloaded from HPSS.