
Nov. 7, 2019
To figure out the flat tail issue of high pt track, we did the following check:
1、Made detailed plots about gMom vs pMom;
2、Compared with the results which used a dca cut;
3、Checked with 200GeV;
In this slides, you may find dca<1 can significantly cut down the part with a small gMom but a large pMom.
comparison between 54GeV and 200GeV

Nov. 11, 2019
It's a pT spectrum comparision with different track cuts.
It shows using a dca cut can suppress the high pt tail by many orders of magnitude.

pT distribution with different cuts

Use a upper limit to the trigger.
Make a comparison between different trigger range to see which one is better.
Jet pT spectrum comparision using different TT intervals

Use TT[5,10] to see the recoil jet specctrum.
Plot track pT distribution in trigger events.
Counting jet number for different TT range.
Jet pT distribution for TT[5,10] and track in trigger events

A summary about track pT distribution and jet pT spectrum
to discuss which trigger range we should use
or whether we should proceed with this analysis.
Semi-inclusive h+jet measurement in Au+Au 54 GeV