HF PWG Analysis Status June 2016

 Analysis  Dataset Preliminary Paper proposal
to PWG
AN and paper
draft to PWG
 D0 v2  Run14 AuAu200  Y  Y  Hao/Liang et al.  Y  Y  Y  Y
 D0/D* pp500 cross-section  Run11 pp500  Y  Y  David et al.  Y  N   3 months  
 NPE Raa AuAu200  Run10 AuAu200  Y  Y  Daniel/Wenqin/Wei/Xiaozhi/Zhenyu et al.  Y  N  3 months  
 J/psi pp200 cross-section,
polarization, event activity
 Run12 pp200  Y  in 1 month  Bingchu/Siwei/Zhenyu et al.        
 D0 Raa  Run12 UU193   Y  in 3 months  Zhenyu/Yifei        
 NPE Raa UU193  Run12 UU193  Y   in 6 months  Katarina et al.         
 D0/+/- Raa with HFT  Run14 AuAu200  Y  in 6 months  Guannan/Mustafa et al.        
 Ds Raa and v2 with HFT  Run14 AuAu200  Y  in 6-8 month  Nasim/Zhou et al.        
 D0 v3  Run14 AuAu200  Y  in 6 months  Michael et al.        
 J/psi pp500 cross-section
and event activity
 Run11+Run13 pp500  Y  in 6 months  Rongrong/Qian/Yi et al.        
 J/psi Raa and v2 with MTD  Run14 AuAu200  Y  in 6 months  Rongrong/Takahito et al.        

1. D0 v2 Run14 AuAu200: waiting for full reproduction 2014 data
2. D0/D* Run11 pp500: finalizing paper draft
3. NPE Raa Run10 AuAu200: working on AN and paper draft, GPC request in 3 months
4. there are analyses whose PAs indicated in Jan to have a PWGC preview in 6 months, but no update yet:

1) D-hadron correlations from Run11 p+p 500 GeV (Long Ma) -XXX-
PA: finalizing this analysis for systematic uncertainty estimation within a couple of weeks. May request PWGC preview in 1 month.

2) NPE-hadron correlation from Run12 p+p 200 GeV (Zach) -XXX-
PA: Need to study dependence on MC generators. May combine with pp500 result for a paper proposal? May request a PWGC preview in 6 months

3) Jpsi polarization from Run11 p+p 500 GeV (Barbara) -XXX-
PA:  start working on it again. May request a PWGC preview in one month, and GPC in 6 months.