HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2014/09/04

1. Disk Space - Group Discussion
We had a discussion on the report from the disk space distribution committee and their recommendations. We agreed that for incoming AuAu200 GeV HF analyses, the HF PWG would work coordinatively to produce not more than two common sets of picoDSTs, e.g. one for StPhysics and the other for StMTD streams. For StPhysics (HFT) data stream, we will be using the Berkeley picoDST format, and have them stored in the common PWG disk space, which will take roughly 30 TB to analyze half of the 2014 data. For StMTD data stream, the MTD group is still discussing the picoDST format and estmiating the disk space requirement. Once we have such information available, preferrably in a couple of weeks, the HF convenors will send the request to the PAC and start the discussion with other PWGs in sharing such picoDSTs. We should also review the picoDST structure internally to make sure that the structures are sufficient for HF analyses, especially for those which would involve both HFT and MTD information. 

2. Upsilon Spin Alignment - Matt 
Matt reported a bug in the acceptance study using the Upsilon rapidity distribution from Pythia. The bug was found and corrected early this week. It was suggested that he and Robert should compare their rapidity distributions to make sure that things are done correctly. Matt also presented results with 4-pt bins and it was agreed that he should use 2-pt bins due to limited statistics.