HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/03/26

1) Run14 Au+Au picoDst production - Round table discussion
60-70 M events, 20M events per day, 1TB per day for picoDst, 
D0 tree saved at the same time as picoDst 4.5-5 TB on PDSF. 

2) J/psi polarizaition in pp 500 GeV Run 11 - Barbara
signal extraction via fit vs bin-counting as a systematic uncertainty
check if signal and background shapes dependent on phi/theta? if not, make a global fit to reduce uncertainty
slide 9-13: overaly bin-counting and fit data points and make the plots for each pT bin

3) NPE in pp 200 GeV Run12 - Xiaozhi
purity fit: multi-gaussian fit at lower pT. plot dE/dx vs p to see how much kaon/proton contribute at lower pT
 tracking efficiency dip structure at 1 GeV
 two lowest data points need to be understood.