HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/07/02

1) Run14 MTD results projection and data production strategy - Lijuan
results using 136.9M dimuon events after filtering (280M before filtering), with optimized muon ID
 cuts, and calculated mixed event background. The higher pT region is improved significantly than 3 weeks ago. Upsilon projection for full statistics is consistent with proposal, taking into account trigger time window efficieincy loss. MTD expected Upsilon 1S mass resolution is ~0.14-0.17 GeV. Will investigate into the possibility to reject Kaon decayed muons which might help in central collisions. Propose 90% MTD vs 10% HFT for the rest 2 months before QM15. (30% CPU was used for Cu+Au, which was completed recently). Hao sent D0 v2 projections with different data production scenarios, assuming 600M vs 900M MB events with 10% vs 50% CPU for st_physics data production for the next two months.

action item: D0 Rcp, v2, Ds, Upsilon Raa projection plots, and send to star management

2) Muon identification using J/psi signal in p+p 500 GeV - Te-Chuan
optimize cuts based on Run13 data. Work on embedding started. Plan is to use Run13 study results for Run14 analyses, or optmize cuts for J/psi and use for Upsilon. Why manually implemented Likelihood ratio method instead of TMVA? it is easy to implement and more transparent, while LR is used as a black box. 

Efficiency calculation for Ds in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 using Toy Monte-Carlo simulation - Md. Nasim
use ROOT function to decay Ds -> use tool developed at LBNL
verify method/code with HFT embedding
need to take into account depdendences on Vz, etc
help Long to reproduce your results

J/psi in central U+U collisions - Jana
plan to request embedding? will use MB embedding for now. Plan to show Jpsi spectra with different electron pT cuts in EPS-HEP poster. Should check the consistency of the results with different cuts after efficiency correction.

5) KFVertex and Hijing Simulation - Liang He
agreed to use KFVertex with all tracks passing track quality cuts, (Mustafa) produce root files with KF vertices and new D0 trees
Hijing simulation uses Hao's code with multiple columb smearing effects taken into account, will try to use Mustafa's tool with data-driven resolutions
understand the invmass peak at 0.5 GeV -> kinematic effects, mis-identified kaons? will check

6) Upsilon in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Leszek
will first try to extract the results consistently as Qian Jpsi study (vertex ranking cut, use only the first vertex, ), study better measure of event activity