HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/08/06

1) Ds efficiency and Rcp calculation - Nasim
momentum smearing from Run11 embedding, HFT embedding is not ready, using pure simulation with HFT
 to extract momentum resolution for now (Mustafa will extract the resolution from simulation). If HFT embedding will be ready in time, will use HFT embedding. 
Fuqiang: are the shape of the kinematic distributions the same between signal and background in silde 5? Nasim will compare in data background with signal shapes 
Zhenyu: Check Uncertainty calculations for "Data" in page 6
Zhenyu: have to use pure simulation to demonstrate the toy MC approach. Nasim will try to work on Ds in parrel with Mustafa et al on D0

2) Non-flow in Run14 D0 v2 - Malong
non-neglible non-flow contribution according to measured D*-h correlation in p+p 200 Gev Run12. 
Fuqiang: why do you use D*-h? Long: because 
D0 significance is not good, and D* and D0 have similar fragmentation functions, but different decay. Estimate the former and add the difference in decay from Hijing. 
Will use Pythia to estimate non-flow effect? no, because it does not describe p+p 500 GeV
Hao will check if theory calculations include non-flow effects or not

3) NPE analysis in central UU collisions - Katarina
Plan to cut on RefMult for 0-5% and reweight the distribution, will check if StRefMultMaker has the weights in. 
Plan to refit pp09 with corrlated and uncorrelated uncertainties separated

D meson v2 - Michael 
ultimate2 cuts - Hao: a small bug in background reconstruction, redid TMVA training, the results are similiar to those with ultimate1 cuts
q-vector files - Hao only produced these files for runs with more than 100 files
Michael's D0 v2 different to Hao's D0 v2 results - event plane resolution not taken into account, different events
will work on D+/- cut optimization using TMVA