HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/09/03

1) D0 v2 from event plane method - Hao
underestimate statistical uncertainty for bins with small entries -> try manually assigning uncertainty based on possion statistis, and maximum likelihood method fit
difference in D0 yield between from direct fit and from bin-counting after mixed event and sideband background subtraction is mostly small, but can be up to statistical error bars - try bin counting, with background from fit or sideband, take central value from counts subtracted by background fit, and assign uncertainty based on difference between background fit and sideband background, and with different fit function and mass windows
theoretic calculations does not include non-flow effect. will try to get 0-80% from Duke. centrality
for centraliy-dependent efficiency correction will be done based on published RAA data,
show both event-plane and 2-particle correlation methods and compare with theory calculations.
show both MB and from different centrality 

2) D0 v2 from 2-particle correlation method - Liang
cross-check with both efficiency method vs event-by-event correction for re-centering correction 
use eta gap with 0.3 (same as Event Plane method)
systematic uncertainty - fitting method to determine S/B, unlike-sign side-band, like-sign side-band, like-sign mass window, but dominated by difference from like-sign signal mass window v2
apply centrality-dependent efficiency correction 

3) D0 PID efficiency and Double-counting - Xin
try to apply TOF requirement for single particle dE/dx calibration
try to estimate systematic uncertainty 
try to use data to add combinatorial background and estimate double-counting contribution
momentum resolution consistent with data - See Michael's presenation http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/heavy/mlomnitz/2014Dpm/PWG_05_14_2015.pdf