HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/02/04

1) NPE Raa in Run12 central U+U 193 GeV - Katarina

slide 4-5: more thorough data quality cuts should be applied to remove bad runs: A) Hiroshi's bad run list B) Zhenyu might have a bad run list from D0 analysis C) someone from Bulkcorr who have studied the data set may have a bad run list

slide 6: both getrefmultcorr and getweight should be used for MB and central-5 triggered events to obtain their RefMult distributions and correction factor shown on slide 7.
The RefMult from MB seems to be saturated at certain values but it is unclear why it is not the case for central-5 sample. Will this be better after the getweight correction? Can this be explained by different pileup protection in MB and central-5 triggers?

Study on StRefMultCorr for U+U 193 GeV by Hiroshi: