HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/09/08

1) QA for Run15 pAu (MTD) - Takahito
slide 9: there is a question on how to understand the number of MTD matched hits dropped vs run index for Run number smaller than 100. A possible explanation is luminosity dependence of the tracking efficiency. At the beginning of Run15 pAu, the luminosity was small and thus higher tracking effiency leading to higher number of MTD matched hits. Need embedding to confirm this explanation quantitatively
slide 18: there is no mechanism in MTD embedding to reproduce the backleg status. Will have to study and mimic this behavior manually in efficeincy calculation
slide 21: Zach will check if this is the case in pAu st_physics data stream
pAu MTD embedding requests: Jpsi and Psi(2S)

2) J/psi v2 in Run12 U+U - Alena
slide 2: need to combine central with MB with proper weights
slide 10: use Crystal ball function to extract Jpsi yields, need to propagate like-sign background fit uncertainty to unlike-sign signal+background fit

3) Upslion in Run11 and Run14 Au+Au (BHT) - Zaochen
slide 4: take the maximum deviation as the systematic uncertainty for preliminary, will study in more details later (for example, using RMS)
slide 11: variantion due to change in Zdist and phiDist cuts seem to be too large, will check