HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2017/1/12

1) J/psi and Psi(2s) from Run15 p+p and p+Au dimuon - Takahito
slide 4: epsilon^VPD_MB/epsilon^VPD_DM is VPD and vertex effciency difference between MB and dimuon events, studied by Xinjie
slide 11: compare the final result with Run12 final result
slide 14: calculate the invariant yield 
slide 15: like-sign used for initial POL4 fit parameters, and POL4 describes both combinatorial and residual 
slide 16: strange points due to wrongly reconstructed momentum, need to cut on reconstructed invmass to reject them
slide 17: difference to PHENIX 0.5*dAu 
Psi(2S) -> NKCU is calculating Likelihood efficiency 

2) Upsilon from Run15 p+p and p+Au and Run11 Au+Au dielectron - Zaochen
slide 2: eID cuts are tightened to get higher electron purity
slide 7-10: why statistical uncertainy from UL-LS is smaller than US and LS simultaneous fit? A: depends on S/B and US-LS has less free parameters 
slide 14: E/p -> nSigmadEdx 

3) D0 and Lc from Run14 Au+Au - Guannan
slide 6: the two lowest Hijing points are different than Pythia and evtGen, D0 embedded in Hijing and decayed by StarSim. Will try to understand this
slide 7: insensitve to TPC efficiency dependence on eta and phi, will add the plot
slide 11: result based on Pythia efficiency
slide 12
slide 21: 
slide 29: explanation does not make sense for the fast TOF simulator
slide 34: enhanced deviation for pT>5 GeV/c? (already showing up in 8)

4) D0-h correlation from Run14 Au+Au - Alex
slide 7: Aq=v2_D0 * v2_h
slide 8: B feed down yield < 4%, will email PWG explain why 2% is an upper limit, topological cut on decay length is varied from 220->180 or 260 microns.

5) B->e from Run14 Au+Au - Xiaozhi
slide 4-5: purity systematic uncertainty calculated from varying the constraints on electron nSigmadEdx mean; need the purity for the combined MB+HT data; need to consider pT-dependence efficiency or assign an uncertainty on the pT
slide 6-7: add Ds/Lc/Bs/Lb
slide 11: there is a difference between data and Hijing
slide 12: there is a difference between PHE Reco/PHE Incl according to Hijing, it is used to corrected PHE Reco from data
slide 20: hadron contamination from fit is inconsistent with purity fit, tighten the nSigmadEdx cut and fit
slide 24: the last pT bin use PHE Incl from Hijing. correct for the difference as seen in Slide 11 and try the fit again, the second last pT PHE fraction is negative, 
slide 26: for pT>6 with empty bins, will try to restrict fit to |DCA|<0.05 or rebin for DCA>0.05

6) Upsilon from Run14+16 Au+Au dimuon - Xinjie
slide 3-5: fit to like- and unlike-sign simultaneously 
slide 6: structure for 1S at low pT, it will be different for 2S and 3S, will study it
slide 11-12: will add 2S+3S, combine Run14 and Run16 RAA, and invmass spectra

7) Upsilon from Run11 p+p 500 - Leszek 
slide 4: lower limit is closer than the central value in terms of the data-MC agreement on width. Will check 
slide 16: request additional embedding sample for |Vz|>40cm

8) Upsilon from Run11 Au+Au - Zaochen