HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2017/1/26 session 1


21 change 2nd muon pT cut from 1.2 to 1.5

22 fit problem 
28 fit range -> for the integrated range uncertainty, 5% / 10% for pp, and pAu
36 Run12 preliminary is higher than final by 15%, Run15/Run12 final will be 1.3
39 epsilon_VPD/epsilon_VPD in pAu 
50 psi(2S) pT spectra from Jpsi pT * psi2S/Jpsi, 
2: separate the MTD p+p and AuAu global systematic uncertainty 
11: fixed-background vs simultaneous central and statistical uncertainty consistent 
dimuon change from 0-80% and 0-60% 
3/5: separate global and point-by-point systematic uncertainties
5: Ncoll uncertainty 5%
6: hollow star for pp y<-0.5
7: combine with Run11+Run14 dimuon, leave the Run10 out from the combination
8 show the internal consistency, and combine 
6: FONLL calculation, 
uncertainty gets smaller because of the improvement in data-driven fast simu
will send all the fitting plots for 3-5 and 5-8 for 0-20, 20-80 and 20-80%, and systematic uncertainty plots
10: add FONLL curves for fraction plot
11: may change the pairDCA cut to see whether the results are stable for Run16 BHT1