HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2017/6/22

Sooraj and Subhash now use the same tracking, PID and topological cuts. On the event level, two triggers used by Subhash are not included in Sooraj's analysis, which uses the same triggers as charm spectra and v2 analyses. It will be checked whether these two triggers are and why/why not they should be used.

Slide 3: most data points (v1 vs y) from Sooraj and Subhash are very close to each other, except the D0bar for 0.5<y<1. The PAs will compare their invariant mass spectra, extracted yields, v1 fit to see where the difference in this bin comes from.

Slide 9-10: both analyzers used pT- and centrality-dependent D0 reco efficiencies provided by Xiaolong for v1 analyses. Sooraj sees a significant effect for v1 result with |y|<1 by considering efficiencies depending on pT-, y- and centrality, and a very small effect with |y|<0.8. This is explained by the greatly reduced efficiency for |y|>0.9 when the rapidity dependence is taken into account. It is agreed that both PAs will use the |y|<0.8 cut with the y-dependence of the efficiency taken into account. 

Slide 10: Sooraj will check whether there is any change if he chooses a different pt other than 2 GeV/c as the relative efficiency reference.

Slide 11-14: the offset in 2016 data pion v1 between TPC and TPC+HFT tracks observed with flattening correction within 10% centrality bins can be eliminated with flattening correction within 2% centrality bins. The origin of this effect is not clear, nor why it was absent in 214 data. Sooraj is re-analyzing the 2016 D0 v1 with 2% centrality bin corrections. Subhash will do it too once he has the 2016 data processed.