NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Xin - 2015/07/17

1) Data - Kunsu

Slide 2, BSMD efficiency ~60%, seems a bit low, Wei/Xiaozhi commented in pp the total BEMC+BSMD is about 60%.

There was some concern about the Run14 calibration issue?   Run14 is using Run12 DB, no other firm statements

Kunsu will check the BEMC/BSMD matching and profile distributions (posted later)

Slide 3, events with large pre-scale gives large fluctuations

            Wei suggested: for nSigmaE, one doesn’t care about the weighting.  For final spectra use the averaged prescale factor instead of applying this track-by-track

Kunsu will also need to check these runs why they have these large numbers.

Slide 7,  tail in the red histograms – Kunsu will check the fraction. We need to understand the origin.

Conversion electron statistics – try to use TPC cuts for the partner 

2) Simulation - Xiaozhi

From simulation try to separate real matches and mis-mtaches to better understand the tail. Quantify the tail comparison by plotting the fraction of the grass for pions and electrons

To-do: Implement EvGen, Study the DCA discussion for conversion electrons in simulation for total single and reconstructed ones.