NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/05/08

1) Run14 Data - Kunsu
Kunsu presented eID study based on 70M events for high pT electron ID, using EMC. The results look reasonable. We agreed to focus on high PT electron measurements for now, as low pT measurements involving HFT may need some significant work.

Action items: 
a) Kunsu: draw zdisk, phidist, etaTowDist and phiTowDist shown in slide 7 for MB and HT data separately.
b) Kunsu: study DCA distributions for high PT electrons,
c) Kunsu: provide Mustafa a clean setup of code to produce trees
d) Mustafa: Review tree production code by Kunsu

2) Simulation - Xiaozhi
Xiaozhi reported the progress on incorporating EvtGen into STAR. Installation and running of EvtGen on RCF were successfully. 

Action items:
a) Xiaozhi: create and test user specific decay files for NPE.
b) Mustafa: write EvtGen handler class in STAR StRoot framework.