NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/07/10

1) Simulation - Xiaozhi

GEANT Simulation:
no mismatch: 20 particles per particle spieces, did not require HFT matching, signed DCA: sign is inheritated from 2D signed DCA
use flat pT, eta and phi distributions, apply all track quality cuts, nCommon>10 cuts, and require HFT matching
fit DCA_xy and DCA_z in different pT bins, and plot the fitted Gaussian widths as a function of pT, compare pion vs electron
normalize electron and pion DCA distributions when comparing their shapes

Fast Simulation:
draw DCA_xy and DCA_z
there is a charge-dependent asymmetry in DCA_xy, not in DCA_z: see
document FONLL parameters 
consider RAA, call sumW2 before filling histograms, consider statistical uncertainties when making ratio plots, improving statistics for the study
30M events ~ 5 hours

Use EvtGen, check DCA_xy, DCA_z and DCA_3D distributions with real DCA=0 inputs, background simulation, more decay channels, B->D->e

2) Data - Kunsu
no progress

3) Embedding - Mustafa
Run14 TPC only embedding requests -> may not be very useful, let's wait till HFT embedding is ready