NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/11/13

1) eK pair - Jie 
use Pythia8+EvtGen+FastSim to study signal and combinatorial background. Turned on HardQCD:all and pThat>10 in pythia8 and looked at distributions of signal and background for different variables. Results are promising. Will move on to Hijing next before TMVA.

2) First look into Run14 Data - Shenghui
Use PairDCA<0.01 cm and PairMass<0.15 GeV to study photonic electrons. Peaks found at R~0, PXL1 and PXL2. Tried both like-sign and rotation methods to estimate background.
slide 5: with PairDCA<0.01 cm, it is likely that tracks with HFT are selected. need to see slide 7 with the same data to confirm
slide 8: Like-sign seems to underestimate the background, while rotation method does not. This needs to be followed up: 1) does Kunsu see it as well?
 2) is it due to acceptance difference between unlike and likesign pairs?
Will try to study pT dependence and Gdca cut.

3) Simulation -Xiaozhi
Use PairDCA<0.5 cm and PairMass<0.08 GeV to study Hijing+gamma samples. will split 0-1 GeV/c pT bin into 0.2-0.4, 0.4-0.6, 0.6-0.8 and 0.8-1.0 GeV/c bins. Will decide on the best PairDCA and PairMass cuts together with the Hijing+Dalitz samples