NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/1/15

1) Data and simulation update - Kunsu

2) Data and simulation update -Xiaozhi
slide 2/3: pT>0.2 GeV in data, pT>0.5 GeV/c in MC
slide 5: online HLT Vz cut changed from 5cm to 6 cm during Run14 data taking
slide 11: horizontal bands are due to Kaon/proton contamination
slide 15: asymmetric nSigmaElectron due to hadron contamination
slide 17: plot RcConversion for McConversion  1.9<R<2.1 cm (i.e. electrons converted in beam pipe)
slide 21-24: increase MC statistics by 1. update pico with fixed pico code 2. combine pT bins 3. run more statistcs?
slide 25: unclear why there are electrons with McConversion R>0 for dalitz decay electrons, need investigation

3) Run12 p+p D0/NPE consistency check - Xiaozhi
slide 36: flat in y, use PYTHIA to get D0 (pt,y) distribution, include other D hadrons than D0
slide 38: plot ratio of data/simu, add details of normalization
slide 40: Run05 is invariant yield and needs to be converted to cross-section, Run08 is published Run05+08 after Jpsi correction
slide 41: will find out from Shenghui how she did the simulation

3) eK pair - Jie
Wei said that Jie's study suggested due to low HFT efficiency, eK pair does not really help to reduce background. Jie will report this next week.