NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2017/1/10

MB(<4 GeV/c) + BHT2 (>4 GeV/c)
Eta<0.5, DCA<1, (0.3<p/E0<1.5), -1/0<nSigma<2.5/3, TOF is <4 GeV/c and BSMD>4 GeV/c
EvtGen+FastSim D+B sample from Xiaozhi, reweighted by FONLL, combine D0/D+/B0/B+ according to their fragmentation ratios
PHE: mass<0.07 GeV, pairDCA<0.02 cm in slide 16-20
PHE templates from Hijing directly
slide 22: vs Xiaozhi slide 9: eta, nHitFit, DCA, HFT, and reweighting 
slide 24: NPE B/B+D hadron dalitz gamma fractions, MC study to get statistical uncertainty   
slide 33: right panel difference, band fit error
RooFit ML fit vs Chi2 fit: small difference at low pT, but big difference at high pT
slide 53/54: Minuit Fitter vs RooFit
hadron contamination: Hijing simulation 
hadron similar to Dalitz -> why free parameter hadron?
1) try Chi2 fit, include template uncertainty in Chi2
2) check why less Electron statitics than Xiaozhi
Eta<0.7, DCA<1.5, 0.3<p/E0<1.5, -1<nSigma<3, TOF is for <3 GeV/c, BSMD 
EvtGen+FastSim D+B sample from Xiaozhi, reweighted by FONLL, combine D0/D+/B0/B+ according to the fragmentation ratios
PHE distributions for gamma in Hijing is different from US-LS and from same parent
PHE template: data scaled by Hijing/Data
fit: hadron 1-purity+-0.15 with constraint
check data statistical uncertainty 
compare to Kunsu how to combine D/B, PHE,