Pol Gossiaux's email on May 9, 2014

 Dear Daniel, Yifei and Zhenyu,

Attending recently the 30th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, I was rather upset not too find our prediction for the  RAA(NPSE) in the talk of Barbara Trzeciak, although a) we were among the first to embed Eloss process into realistic medium evolution using realistic transport equation, i.e. Boltzmann; see for instance Phys. Rev. C 78, 014904 (2008), [hep-ph/0802.2525] and b) we think we have a reasonable description of both the RAA and the V2.

Discussing later on with Barbara, she told me that you would be ok to include our predictions in the plots and that we jus had to provide you the numbers. It is thus my pleasure to provide you our predictions in the attached folder, with additional explanation below. Please notice that our most elaborate model is the "coll + rad V3" one, including both elastic and radiative Eloss. It should, in our view, be preferred to the purely collisional one. We sincerely hope that our predictions make their way to the STAR plots in a near future.

For completeness: all these results have been obtained with Kolb-Heinz ideal fluid dynamics code which still does an acceptable job at RHIC. More recently,
in collaboration with K. Werner, we have started using EPOS2, as well as the new OSU fluid dynamics. As Marlene Nahrgang will participate the preQM STAR meeting, I guess she will give more details on the consequences of using those alternate description.

in case you are interested in more predictions, I will be glad to work on this.

With my best regards,

Pol Bernard.

Some explanations of the files:

1) in PRC78, we adopted 2 extreme treatments of the "mixt phase":
a) we neglected its action on the heavy quarks (stopping the evolution at an energy density of approx 1.6 GeV/fm^3)
b) we kept the same rates, drag and diffusion coefficient (those calculated at Tc) during all the mixt phase evolution. This is
equivalent to think that the HQ are interacting in the MP as if they were encountering as many partons as at the beginning of
this phase or to take fugacity=1
Later on, starting from SQM 2008 (J. Phys. G 36 (2009) 064028; [arXiv:0901.2462]), we adopted what we believe to be a more realistic description of the MP, that is
c) reducing all rates by a factor eps/1.6 GeV/fm^3 (where eps is the local energy density), to take into account the continuous reduction of partonic dof
during the MP.

Our philosophy stays the same: we fix the cranking factor K for the interactions in order to be able to reproduce the central RAA of leptons and then make predictions
for other quantities. you will find in file coll eloss.zip some predictions of this model, both for NPSE and  D mesons -- "proceedings of science (QNP2012)''; arXiv:1207.5445.

I should also mention that since SQM 2009 (Nucl. Part. Phys. 37 (2010) 094019; [arXiv:1001.4166]) we have included radiative energy loss
into our Monte Carlo simulator; at that time I showed that if one follows the same philosophy (rescale the total rate to take into account
the unknowns of the model) then it was impossible, with the data available, to distinguish between pure Elastic energy loss and El. + radiative cocktail,
at large pT. Since then, we have improved the treatment of the radiative energy loss (see for instance Phys. Rev. D 89, 074018).

You will find the results in the coll + rad V3 zipped folder, including the RAA(D mesons) for all classes of centralities (see as well attached plots).
The cranking factor used in this case is K=1.4. We consider that this is acceptable in view of
the numerous unknowns in this kind of physics. Although there is not too much difference wrt pure collisional Eloss model, this "collisional + elastic model"
is more elaborate and should, in our view, be preferred to the purely collisional one.

Pol Bernard GOSSIAUX, Prof. Dr. HDR.
teaching deputee for SUBATECH/EMN
Vice-director of 3MPL doctoral school
SUBATECH Laboratory -- Theory Group -- H208
Ecole des Mines de Nantes
4 rue Alfred Kastler -- BP 20722 -- 44307 Nantes -- France
web page: http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/