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PWG Review Summer 2018: ongoing analyses and upcoming PWGC previews
Updated on Thu, 2019-03-07 15:25. Originally created by yezhenyu on 2018-06-07 07:02.
1. "Beam Energy Dependence of Rapidity-Even Dipolar Flow in Au+Au Collisions"
PWG Preview: 11/30/2016
PWGC Preview: requested 5/24/2017, done 6/2/2017
GPC: requested 7/23/2017
2. "Collective anisotropic flow in small and large systems"
PWG Preview: 6/21/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/26/2017, done 7/7/2017
2.5 "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 − 200 GeV Au+Au Collision"
PWG Preview: 10/26/2016
PWGC Preview:
2.6 "Charge separation measurements in p+Au and Au+Au collisions; implications for "
the search for the chiral magnetic effect
PWG Preview: 8/16/2017 (needs additional PWG discussions!)
3. "Three particle correlator analysis in root-sNN = 200 GeV p+Au, d+Au, and
Au+Au collisions at STAR"
PWG Preview: Sep 14, 2016
PWGC Preview:
4. "Search for the Chiral Magnetic Wave with anisotropic flow of identified
particles at RHIC"
PWG Preview: Aug 31, 2016
PWGC Preview: Oct 7, 2016
5. "Measurement of Correlation Between Flow Harmonics in Au+Au Collision at RHIC"
PWG Preview: Apr 19, 2017
PWGC Preview: requested 5/24/2017, done 6/2/2017
GPC: requested 7/10/2017
6. "Dynamical Relative Charge Number Fluctuations Across Multiple Regimes
of QCD Matter in Au_like+Al, Al+Au, and Au+Au Collisions from 3.0-200 GeV"
PWG Preview: Sep 21, 2016
PWGC Preview: Sept 30, 2016
GPC: requested 6/26/2017, again 7/7/2017
7. "Charge Asymmetry Correlations to Search for Chiral Magnetic Effect from
Beam Energy Scan by STAR"
PWG Preview: Jul 27, 2016
PWGC Preview:
8. "Pion femtoscopy in ultra-central U+U and Au+Au collisions"
PWG Preview: 6/7/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 7/7/2017, scheduled 8/4/2017
9. "Systematic study of azimuthal anisotropy in Cu+Au collisions at root-s=200 GeV"
PWG Preview: 6/7/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/7/2017, done 6/30/2017
GPC: requested 7/23/2017
10. "The Proton-Omega correlation function in Au+Au collisions at root-sNN=200 GeV"
PWG Preview: 5/10/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/26/2017, scheduled 7/14/2017
11. "Bulk properties of the system formed in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=14.5
GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC" (JOINT WITH LFSUPC)
PWG Preview: 6/28/2017
PWGC Preview: 8/25/2017
12. "Azimuthal anisotropy of strange and multi-strange hadrons in U+U
collisions at root-s = 193 GeV at RHIC"
PWG Preview: 8/16/2017 (needs comparison to light particle vn from Niseem)
13. "Results from Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=4.5 GeV" (JOINT WITH LFSUPC)
PWG Preview: 8/2/2017
PWGC Preview: 8/18/2017
Heavy Flavor:
(yt,yt) PAs: Lanny Ray, Alex
-- Paper proposal by Nov
D0-hadron PAs: Alex Jentsch, Lanny Ray
-- Paper proposal by Oct.
Underlying Event in p+p 200 PAs: Li Yi, Helen Caines
-- proposed in the pwg, paper draft, analysis note are prepared. Work on the feedback from pwg. Expect to request pwgc review ~ a few weeks.
Robust flow subtraction analysis PAs Kun Jiang, Fuqiang Wang
-- In principle two more papers can be generated: jet correlation relative to the event plane
-- and three particle correlation. Unclear timeline due to PAs workload
FMS di-pi0 correlations PAs: Akio Ogawa
-- At a very advanced stage, but currently in limbo due to FMS issues and time crunch during data taking
inclusive jet suppression in 200 GeV AuAu PAs: Jan Rusnak, Jana Bielcikova, Peter Jacobs)
-- very advanced stage, would like a preview ASAP, GPC formation soon after.
2 paper on gamma/pi0+jet for pp200GeV and Run14 AuAu PAs: Nihar, Saskia, Derek, Peter, ...
-- 3-5 months until proposal
zg in p+p PAs: Kolja Kauder, Joern Putschke
-- proposed in the pwg, working on draft and toward pwgc preview in the near future
di-jet+hadron PAs: Nick Elsey, Joern Putschke, Kolja Kaude
-- proposed in the pwg, working on draft and toward pwgc preview in the near future
No set timeframe:
- Jet-like correlations wrt the event plane and using event shape engineering
Jana, Peter:
- next generation inclusive fully reconstructed jet analysis
Jana + grad student
- Just started.
- jet substructure observables
- JETSCAPE comparison to STAR
- Started work on semi-inclusive z_g in Run14
-- Heavy-tagged jets in the beginning stage, unlikely to be at the paper proposal stage within the next 6-12 months.
-- Starting up a jetcorr@STAR program
-- jet-hadron correlations relative to the event plane
1) FXT 3.0, 3.5, and 4.5 Au+Al Coulomb Potential Paper
Status - in GPC, PAs need to respond to GPC comments
2) FXT 4.5 GeV Au+Au paper
Status: Paper proposal was presented to the PWGC on August 18th. We are in the process of drafting the Analysis Note, which should be done by the end of September. Once we have a first draft of the analysis note, we will start drafting the PRC paper. Most analyses are completed, however we have two LFS-UPC efforts which are being finalized: first we are completing a study of the weak decay feed-down contribution to the pion spectra; we have initial results but are checking these for consistency before presenting to the LFS-UPC PWG. Second, we are finalizing the methodology for removing the K+ contamination of the pi+ spectra; this should be completed by the end of the month. We do not expect the proton spectra to be ready to include in this paper.
3) FXT 4.9 GeV Al+Au paper
Status: The K0s and Lambda spectra analysis has been completed by Usman Ashraf. Todd Kinghorn is working on the pion spectra. He currently has pi- raw spectra and is waiting for the embedding to be completed before doing the efficiency corrections. The feed-down corrections will be done by Sam Heppelmann once we have verified the methodolgy for the Au+Au paper. The pi+ spectra will be completed once we have verified the K+ contamination methodolgy for the Au+Au paper (we also need to then add efficiency corrections and feed-down). We would like to include the proton spectra in this paper as the meson-to-baryon ratio as a function of centrality will be an important part of the physics message. We would like the compare the K0s-to-lambda ratio to the pion-to-proton ratios. Sam Heppelman is working on the proton spectra. Usman will be the lead author on this paper. We expect the paper proposal the be ready by the end of October. Usman, Todd, and Sam will give updates at the Analysis meeting.
4) BES rapidity and centrality dependent spectra
Status: Chris Flores has completed this analysis and it is final. Unfortunately he has also graduated and started a new job. We need to prepare a paper proposal page, Analysis Note, and draft PRC paper.
Time scale for this work is by the end of the calendar year, as it will be quite a long paper.
5) Proton spectra from 4.5 GeV Au+Au
Status: Sam Heppelman has taken over this analysis effort. It is unlikely that these results will be ready for the long FXT Au+Au paper. We have not finalized a strategy for where to publish these results as it is
unlikely that they could justify a stand-alone paper. We are considering two options for publication: first we could include these spectra in a paper on the net-proton fluctuations; Zhenzhen, from CCNU, is doing this analysis and it could make a very interesting paper, however there are several technical issues and the higher moments analysis in general are receiving much scrutiny. As a second option, we could include the proton spectra in a paper that also include light nuclei (deuterons, tritons, and helions); we are starting this analysis at Davis, however as do not have an estimate of the timescale on which these might be ready. Expect an update at the January collaboration meeting.
6) Strangeness Analysis in U+U.
Paper proposal early 2018
Current Status: Ks/Lambda/Anti-Lambda/Xi/Anti-Xi corrected spectra have been obtained. Feed down correction for Lambda(Anti-Lambda) (working currently) & systematic is to be implemented
7) Low pT e+e- pair production in Au+Au collisions
Paper already being reviewed in the LFSUPC
Paper proposal webpage
8) Then there are several analyses whose paper plans haven't been discussed yet
J/Psi photoproduction, Dimuons in pp, pAu and AuAu collisions, Antihypertriton using HFT
1. "Beam Energy Dependence of Rapidity-Even Dipolar Flow in Au+Au Collisions"
PWG Preview: 11/30/2016
PWGC Preview: requested 5/24/2017, done 6/2/2017
GPC: requested 7/23/2017
2. "Collective anisotropic flow in small and large systems"
PWG Preview: 6/21/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/26/2017, done 7/7/2017
2.5 "Viscous Damping of Anisotropic Flow in 7.7 − 200 GeV Au+Au Collision"
PWG Preview: 10/26/2016
PWGC Preview:
2.6 "Charge separation measurements in p+Au and Au+Au collisions; implications for "
the search for the chiral magnetic effect
PWG Preview: 8/16/2017 (needs additional PWG discussions!)
3. "Three particle correlator analysis in root-sNN = 200 GeV p+Au, d+Au, and
Au+Au collisions at STAR"
PWG Preview: Sep 14, 2016
PWGC Preview:
4. "Search for the Chiral Magnetic Wave with anisotropic flow of identified
particles at RHIC"
PWG Preview: Aug 31, 2016
PWGC Preview: Oct 7, 2016
5. "Measurement of Correlation Between Flow Harmonics in Au+Au Collision at RHIC"
PWG Preview: Apr 19, 2017
PWGC Preview: requested 5/24/2017, done 6/2/2017
GPC: requested 7/10/2017
6. "Dynamical Relative Charge Number Fluctuations Across Multiple Regimes
of QCD Matter in Au_like+Al, Al+Au, and Au+Au Collisions from 3.0-200 GeV"
PWG Preview: Sep 21, 2016
PWGC Preview: Sept 30, 2016
GPC: requested 6/26/2017, again 7/7/2017
7. "Charge Asymmetry Correlations to Search for Chiral Magnetic Effect from
Beam Energy Scan by STAR"
PWG Preview: Jul 27, 2016
PWGC Preview:
8. "Pion femtoscopy in ultra-central U+U and Au+Au collisions"
PWG Preview: 6/7/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 7/7/2017, scheduled 8/4/2017
9. "Systematic study of azimuthal anisotropy in Cu+Au collisions at root-s=200 GeV"
PWG Preview: 6/7/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/7/2017, done 6/30/2017
GPC: requested 7/23/2017
10. "The Proton-Omega correlation function in Au+Au collisions at root-sNN=200 GeV"
PWG Preview: 5/10/2017
PWGC Preview: requested 6/26/2017, scheduled 7/14/2017
11. "Bulk properties of the system formed in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=14.5
GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC" (JOINT WITH LFSUPC)
PWG Preview: 6/28/2017
PWGC Preview: 8/25/2017
12. "Azimuthal anisotropy of strange and multi-strange hadrons in U+U
collisions at root-s = 193 GeV at RHIC"
PWG Preview: 8/16/2017 (needs comparison to light particle vn from Niseem)
13. "Results from Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=4.5 GeV" (JOINT WITH LFSUPC)
PWG Preview: 8/2/2017
PWGC Preview: 8/18/2017
Heavy Flavor:
Analysis | Dataset | PA | Preliminary | Paper proposal to PWG |
PWGC preview |
AN and paper draft to PWG |
GPC request |
review |
Note |
D0/D* pp500 cross-section | Run11 pp500 | David et al. | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
D0 spectra in AuAu200 | Run14 AuAu200 | Guannan/Jakub/Xiaolong/Yifei et al. | Y | Y | |||||
D+- spectra in AuAu200 | Run14 AuAu200 | Guannan et al. | Y | After D0 paper. May combine with D* | |||||
D0 spectra in AuAu200 Erratum | Run10/11 AuAu200 | Yifei et al. | Same timeline as D0 paper | ||||||
Ds spectra in AuAu200 | Run14 AuAu200 | Nasim/Long Zhou/Yifei et al. | Y | in 3 month | |||||
Lc spectra in AuAu200 | Run14+16 AuAu200 | Guannan/Sooraj et al. | Y | in 2-3 months | |||||
B->Jpsi in AuAu200 | Run14+16 AuAu200 | Bingchu et al. | Y | in 3 months | |||||
B->D in AuAu200 | Run14+16 AuAu200 | Xiaolong et al. | Y | in 3-4 months | |||||
B->e and D->e in AuAu200 | Run 14 AuAu200 | Xiaozhi/Kun su et al. | Y | in 3-6 months | |||||
D*-h correlation in pp500 | Run11 pp500 | Long Ma et al., | Y | Y | |||||
J/psi pp200 cross-section, event activity | Run12 pp200 | Bingchu et al. | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Low-pT Jpsi excess in AuAu/UU | Run11 AuAu200 Run12 UU193 |
Wangmei/Shuai et al. | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
J/psi pp200 polarization –dimuon | Run12 pp200 | Siwei/Bingchu/ et al. | Y | Y | |||||
J/psi pp200 polarization - dielectron | Run15 pp200 | Zhen/Rongrong et al. | Y | in 1 month | |||||
J/psi Raa and v2 with MTD | Run14 AuAu200 | Rongrong/Takahito et al. | Y | Y | |||||
J/psi pp500 cross-section, event activity | Run11+13 pp500 | Qian/Te-Chuan/Yi/Zebo et al. | Y | in 2-3 months | |||||
Upsilon pp200 cross section and RpA | Run15 pp+pAu200 | Zaochen/Bingchu et al. | Y | in 6 months | |||||
Upsilon RAA – dielectron | Run10+11 AuAu200 | Zaochen/Bingchu et al. | Y | in 12 months | |||||
Upsilon RAA – dimuon* | Run14+16 AuAu200 | MTD group | Y | in 12 months | |||||
J/psi v2 in UU193 | Run12 UU193 | Alena et al. | Y | in 2 months | |||||
J/psi RpA pAu200 | Run15 pAu200 | Takahito et al. | Y | in 2-3 months | |
(yt,yt) PAs: Lanny Ray, Alex
-- Paper proposal by Nov
D0-hadron PAs: Alex Jentsch, Lanny Ray
-- Paper proposal by Oct.
Underlying Event in p+p 200 PAs: Li Yi, Helen Caines
-- proposed in the pwg, paper draft, analysis note are prepared. Work on the feedback from pwg. Expect to request pwgc review ~ a few weeks.
Robust flow subtraction analysis PAs Kun Jiang, Fuqiang Wang
-- In principle two more papers can be generated: jet correlation relative to the event plane
-- and three particle correlation. Unclear timeline due to PAs workload
FMS di-pi0 correlations PAs: Akio Ogawa
-- At a very advanced stage, but currently in limbo due to FMS issues and time crunch during data taking
inclusive jet suppression in 200 GeV AuAu PAs: Jan Rusnak, Jana Bielcikova, Peter Jacobs)
-- very advanced stage, would like a preview ASAP, GPC formation soon after.
2 paper on gamma/pi0+jet for pp200GeV and Run14 AuAu PAs: Nihar, Saskia, Derek, Peter, ...
-- 3-5 months until proposal
zg in p+p PAs: Kolja Kauder, Joern Putschke
-- proposed in the pwg, working on draft and toward pwgc preview in the near future
di-jet+hadron PAs: Nick Elsey, Joern Putschke, Kolja Kaude
-- proposed in the pwg, working on draft and toward pwgc preview in the near future
No set timeframe:
- Jet-like correlations wrt the event plane and using event shape engineering
Jana, Peter:
- next generation inclusive fully reconstructed jet analysis
Jana + grad student
- Just started.
- jet substructure observables
- JETSCAPE comparison to STAR
- Started work on semi-inclusive z_g in Run14
-- Heavy-tagged jets in the beginning stage, unlikely to be at the paper proposal stage within the next 6-12 months.
-- Starting up a jetcorr@STAR program
-- jet-hadron correlations relative to the event plane
1) FXT 3.0, 3.5, and 4.5 Au+Al Coulomb Potential Paper
Status - in GPC, PAs need to respond to GPC comments
2) FXT 4.5 GeV Au+Au paper
Status: Paper proposal was presented to the PWGC on August 18th. We are in the process of drafting the Analysis Note, which should be done by the end of September. Once we have a first draft of the analysis note, we will start drafting the PRC paper. Most analyses are completed, however we have two LFS-UPC efforts which are being finalized: first we are completing a study of the weak decay feed-down contribution to the pion spectra; we have initial results but are checking these for consistency before presenting to the LFS-UPC PWG. Second, we are finalizing the methodology for removing the K+ contamination of the pi+ spectra; this should be completed by the end of the month. We do not expect the proton spectra to be ready to include in this paper.
3) FXT 4.9 GeV Al+Au paper
Status: The K0s and Lambda spectra analysis has been completed by Usman Ashraf. Todd Kinghorn is working on the pion spectra. He currently has pi- raw spectra and is waiting for the embedding to be completed before doing the efficiency corrections. The feed-down corrections will be done by Sam Heppelmann once we have verified the methodolgy for the Au+Au paper. The pi+ spectra will be completed once we have verified the K+ contamination methodolgy for the Au+Au paper (we also need to then add efficiency corrections and feed-down). We would like to include the proton spectra in this paper as the meson-to-baryon ratio as a function of centrality will be an important part of the physics message. We would like the compare the K0s-to-lambda ratio to the pion-to-proton ratios. Sam Heppelman is working on the proton spectra. Usman will be the lead author on this paper. We expect the paper proposal the be ready by the end of October. Usman, Todd, and Sam will give updates at the Analysis meeting.
4) BES rapidity and centrality dependent spectra
Status: Chris Flores has completed this analysis and it is final. Unfortunately he has also graduated and started a new job. We need to prepare a paper proposal page, Analysis Note, and draft PRC paper.
Time scale for this work is by the end of the calendar year, as it will be quite a long paper.
5) Proton spectra from 4.5 GeV Au+Au
Status: Sam Heppelman has taken over this analysis effort. It is unlikely that these results will be ready for the long FXT Au+Au paper. We have not finalized a strategy for where to publish these results as it is
unlikely that they could justify a stand-alone paper. We are considering two options for publication: first we could include these spectra in a paper on the net-proton fluctuations; Zhenzhen, from CCNU, is doing this analysis and it could make a very interesting paper, however there are several technical issues and the higher moments analysis in general are receiving much scrutiny. As a second option, we could include the proton spectra in a paper that also include light nuclei (deuterons, tritons, and helions); we are starting this analysis at Davis, however as do not have an estimate of the timescale on which these might be ready. Expect an update at the January collaboration meeting.
6) Strangeness Analysis in U+U.
Paper proposal early 2018
Current Status: Ks/Lambda/Anti-Lambda/Xi/Anti-Xi corrected spectra have been obtained. Feed down correction for Lambda(Anti-Lambda) (working currently) & systematic is to be implemented
7) Low pT e+e- pair production in Au+Au collisions
Paper already being reviewed in the LFSUPC
Paper proposal webpage
8) Then there are several analyses whose paper plans haven't been discussed yet
J/Psi photoproduction, Dimuons in pp, pAu and AuAu collisions, Antihypertriton using HFT
Current GPCs | Topic | Status |
GPC 210 | Run 11 Collins effect | Submitted for publication |
GPC 231 | Run 11 IFF | Under final (?) collaboration review at present |
Analyses ready for paper preview and/or GPC within next ~6 months | ||
Longitudinal | Topic | Status |
2009 forward di-jet A_LL | Previewed 6/23/17; GPC request in next few months | |
2009 Lambda D_LL | Preview very soon; GPC request in next few months | |
2012/13 forward pi^0 A_LL | Preview 10/20/17; GPC request in next few months | |
2012 Lambda D_TT | Preview before end of this year; GPC soon thereafter | |
2012 mid-rapidity jet+di-jet ALL | Jets are set; di-jets being finalized; preview in early 2018 | |
2013 (and final combined) W AL | Preview soon; GPC request in early 2018 | |
Transverse | ||
2012 Collins effect | Preview and GPC request in early 2018 | |
Unpolarized | ||
W+/W- cross section ratio | Preview in Feb~Mar 2018 |
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