Run 9 NPE Analysis in p+p collisions at 200 GeV

Dataset & cuts 

Run 9 p+p 200 GeV 105M vpdMB events after selection.

First vertex, ranking > 0, |Vz| < 40 cm, |vpdVz - Vz| < 6 cm


Tagged (inclusive) electron cuts:

0 < flag < 1000, primary track matched to TOF,

nFitPts >= 20, 0.52 < nFitPts/nMax < 1.2, nFitdEdx >= 15,

GlobalDca < 2 cm, -1< sDca < 1 cm,

pT > 0.2 GeV/c, |y|<0.5,

|1/beta - 1| < 0.03


Partner electron cuts:

0 < flag < 1000, global track matched to TOF,

nFitPts >= 15, 0.52 < nFitPts/nMax < 1.2,

pT > 0.2 GeV/c,

nSigma_e cut vs pT,

Dca_pair < 3 cm.


results with new cuts for double-check are still on progress ...


Inclusive electron

fit in pT bins:

multi-gaus, gaus+exp

data points

multi-gaus, gaus+exp


Photonic electron


Non-photonic electron