D0 and D* in p+p 200 GeV data points

 The following differential charm cross section at mid-rapidity are obtained from low pT D0 and high pT D* invariant yields scaled by charm fragmentation ratios 0.565 and 0.224, respectively:

Figure 15:

pT [GeV/c] charm cross section at |y|<1 [mb/(GeV/c)2] stat. error symmetrical syst. error lower syst. error higher syst. error
0.908 1.52e-2 5.11e-3 N/A 5.22e-3 2.99e-3
1.57 5.38e-3 1.68e-3 N/A 1.08e-3 1.03e-3
2.45 1.01e-3 2.77e-4 1.82e-4 N/A N/A
3.44 1.75e-4 6.19e-5 2.65e-5 N/A N/A
4.45 2.92e-5 1.16e-5 4.99e-6 N/A N/A
5.45 9.51e-6 3.14e-6 1.28e-6 N/A N/A