HFT simulation - efficiency study
Single pion/kaon simulation - 05/21/2014
1) Simulation setup
2) event display
3) efficiency versus phi
4) Acceptance and effciency
5) Acceptance x efficiency with all layers fired
6) Acceptance x efficiency with all layers fired, after phi ~ 0 and +pi/2 issue solved
7) Acceptance x efficiency for kaons
8) Acceptance x efficiency for high density events
9) Acceptance x efficiency for Hijing central events
Single primary pion and kaon fz files:
file 0-1: 10 event per file, 10 pions and 10 kaons per event.
file 2-49: 10 event per file, 100 pions and 100 kaons per event.
Geometry: y2014
Exponential pT with slope = 1 from 0 to 5 GeV/c, flat eta (-1,1), flat full phi
Other details are similar as https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/yfzhang/hft-simulation
2) event display
Provided by Xin. Found that the tracks close to phi = 0 fail to pick up hft hits even the hits are on top of the track.
See the tracks with arrow pointed out in three typical events below:
Event 1:
Event 2:
Event 3:
3) efficiency versus phi
Comfirmed by the low efficiency at phi close to zero.
To remove acceptance effect, define the efficiency as below:
Den: (I) MC tracks with McTPChits>20 & McISThits>0 & McPXL2hits>0 & McPXL1hits>0
Num1: (II) I & RcTPChits>=20
Num2: (III) II & RcISThits>0 & RcPXL2hits>0 & RcPXL1hits>0
red: Num1/Den, blue: Num2/Den
Similar observation in the phi distributions at: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/dongx/sti-geometry-test-list-results-dated-may-15-2014
4) Acceptance and effciency
Global cuts (for both Den and Num): |Vz|<5cm, pT>0.5 GeV/c, primary pions, |eta|<0.5 for phi distributions, nTPChits >= 0, 20, 40
Acceptance: left two columns
Den: All MC tracks
Num: MC tracks with nMcXXXhits > 0 (XXX = IST, PXL2 or PXL1)
Efficiency: Right two columns
Den: RC tracks with nMcXXXhits > 0
Num: RC tracks with nMcXXXhits > 0 & nRcXXXhits>0
nTPChits >= 0
nTPChits >= 20
nTPChits >= 40
Summary of the acceptance and efficiency:
|Vz|<5cm, pT>0.5 GeV/c, primary pions, |eta|<0.5
Detector | IST | PXL2 | PXL1 | ||||||
nTPChits >= | 0 | 20 | 40 | 0 | 20 | 40 | 0 | 20 | 40 |
Acceptance % | 97.98 | 98.13 | 98.06 | 98.19 | 98.34 | 98.38 | 92.49 | 92.57 | 92.75 |
Efficiency % | 84.79 | 88.31 | 90.22 | 85.06 | 88.71 | 91.26 | 85.23 | 88.88 | 91.29 |
Efficiency % * | 91.28 | 95.19 | 96.14 | 91.25 | 95.32 | 97.12 | 91.54 | 95.59 | 97.25 |
Acc x Eff * | 89.44 | 93.41 | 94.27 | 89.60 | 93.74 | 95.55 | 84.67 | 88.49 | 90.20 |
* Excluded phi dip, |phi|>0.6
5) Acceptance x efficiency with all layers fired
Primary pions dN_dpt
Black: (RC nTPCFitPts >= 20) / (All MC)
Red: (RC with nTPCFitPts >= 20 & nMcISThits>0 & nRcISThits>0) / (All MC)
Blue: (RC with nTPCFitPts >= 20 & nMcISThits>0 & nRcISThits>0 & nMcPXL2hits>0 & nRcPXL2hits>0) / (All MC)
Magenta: (RC with nTPCFitPts >= 20 & nMcISThits>0 & nRcISThits>0 & nMcPXL2hits>0 & nRcPXL2hits>0 & nMcPXL1hits>0 & nRcPXL1hits>0) / (All MC)
6) Acceptance x efficiency with all layers fired, after phi ~ 0 and +pi/2 issue solved.
Same as 5) but with issue fixed with Gene 's Sti.
7) Acceptance x efficiency for kaons
Same as 6) but for kaons.
8) Acceptance x efficiency for high density events
Same as 6) but for the events with 1000 pions and 1000 kaons per event.
The number of charged tracks in -1<eta<1 for typical central Au+Au events is ~1400.
9) Acceptance x efficiency for Hijing central events
Same as 8) but for the Hijing central events. Only run a few events, so please ignor the fluctuations.
fzd files: /star/institutions/ksu/aquinter/Simulation/Hijingb6/Run14/Central/
The efficiency drops a lot, could be due to TPC tracking issue.
DEV_offline: run bfc chain under DEV library with local code from Dmitri 's instruction with offline/hft
DEV_default: run bfc chain under DEV library without any local code, TPC tracking only.
P11id: pion embedding with SL11d_embed library
1k pions DEV_offline: see section 8)
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