minutes for HF PWG meeting 07/17/14

1) Breif discussion for the data production priorities for QM15, encourage people to put in more suggestions or comments to the HF list.

2) Matt/Saskia presented nice study on the DY and b-bbar background subtraction from the cos(theta) distributions in his Upsilon spin alignment analysis. Detailed comparison of PYTHIA simulation and data were presented and the results look convincing. The cos(theta) distributions of DY and b-bbar from PY shows similar shape in the sideband mass region. A detailed normalization of the two contributions according to PY was also explained. One suggestion is that using the DY and b-bbar cross section numbers for the relative contribution between these two as an additional constraint may help for the background normalization. Matt will generate more statistics from simulation and make more systematic studies. A paper proposal is documented, http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/heavy/mcc/HFupdates/UpsilonHadron/webpage_UpsilonSA_pp500/,  and plan to be submitted to PWG soon.